Foot protection: the right things to do before a shopping spree

Caring for our feet is essential before a long walk or a shopping spree. Indeed, we ask a lot of our feet, as they carry the entire weight of our body, so they deserve good treatment. Adequate foot protection makes it possible to walk comfortably and avoid injury or blisters. 

Effective foot protection requires the right equipment

The right pairs of shoes and socks are very important for optimal foot protection. First, choose comfortable shoes that fit your feet to avoid any friction or injury. Your shoe should support your foot without feeling too tight or slipping. Wear your new shoes several times before going for a long walk so they have time to conform to your feet. Finally, if you want to give your feet the best treatment possible, be sure to buy a good pair of socks, preferably thick ones. It is important to pull them up carefully before tying your shoe, to avoid creases that cause blisters. 

Foot protection and care: some good habits

Before going out for the day or for a long walk, it is important to have optimal foot protection. Limiting your foot perspiration is essential. To do this, you can buy special creams or powders at the chemist’s that you apply directly to your feet or into your shoes. Another good foot treatment is an anti-rub ointment to use on the most sensitive areas of your feet to protect them from the risk of overheating. Also, don’t forget to moisturise your feet with a special cream before and after your walk.