To protect the environment, choose bio products and natural cosmetics to take care of your shoes! Lots of eco products make for great shoe protectors. Fashion has also gone green. For all of our eco shoes we have the trademark green design so think green next time you make your purchase!
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Natural and nourishing, essential oils for feet have many benefits. What is more relaxing or soothing than using essential bath oils in your very own home? Here are some tips for this wonderful source of well-being. ...
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Healthy feet
To protect, nourish and clean your shoes, you use all kinds of products. But how good are they? What are their ingredients? Do your shoes really need these products in order to last a long time? For shoe ...
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Shoe care guide
Your favourite shoes have been your faithful friend for a long time when, all of a sudden, you notice your shoe sole is starting to look old. You wish you could wear them a little bit longer. Remember, resoling ...
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Shoe care guide
Natural cosmetics as well as organic cosmetics are becoming more and more popular in our stores and beauty salons. They have been proven beneficial but you still might need some help choosing the right ones ...
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Healthy feet
While it can look suspiciously like a sponge, the resistant but light foot care pumice stone is the ideal natural treatment for pretty feet as it eliminates the dead skin. In order to fully benefit from your ...
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Healthy feet
Whether you are at work or on an evening out, your shoes are a constant. If they’re comfortable and original, you wear them every day. That said though, do you really know what your shoes are made of? Sometimes ...
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Healthy feet