Shoes for heavy feet: a gift for your tired feet

Shoes for heavy feet: a gift for your tired feet  Inspired by the Geox brand, as well as a famous high-technology footwear brand, a company from Toulouse decided to launch a new range of inventive shoes for heavy feet and back support. These shoes for tired feet are a true innovation, inspired by the field of aeronautics. 

Shoes for heavy feet: say goodbye to tired feet

These shoes for heavy feet were designed using SPADD, Smart Passive Damping Device, which is the same technology that is used in the space and aeronautics field. This technology can reduce the high intensity vibrations, such as the ones experienced in rocket launches, which can damage satellites. These shoes for heavy feet use a similar system, as they absorb shock and vibration as you walk, helping to fight against tired feet. To do this, the shoes have stiff soles that still manage to cushion your feet.

Shoes for heavy feet: an intelligent innovation!

This project was made possible through the partnership with other companies and with the support of the Midi-Pyrénées Innovation agency. Theses shoes for heavy feet also required two years of research and development. The company recently launched its shoe range with around 15 styles for both men and women. The creation of these new styles for tired feet, as well as their commercialisation and marketing, will help the company diversify and create new jobs!